you might as well just line as up and fireless downstairs and gas us hassid you can get all of the profits now. -- and gas us now. it is not right. it is morally not right, and the intent is almost criminal, you know? let us exit this with a middle pride in a little respect. [bell] thank you. chairman nolan: thank you, sir. secretary boomer: [reading names] >> directors, i am here basically to urge you to continue with the present pilot program, which has been so well thought out and implemented and which has been so successful since its implementation, with one sole change, and that would be the age at which a medallion holder would be able to sell. this attempt to exempt all pre- k medallion holders, and i must say that i am a post-k medallion holder, so this does not affect me. preventing them from being in the to sell something they had during the pilot program is not something that is inherently unjust, it is against part of the principle of the whole pilot program, which is to make the medallions available to drivers who are completely shut out at present, from given any state in our