us see how s.f.m.t.a. now or taxi commission previously felt about this. indicate to us how grieveous this is. and what do we get? we get statements made bit appellant that in the past, and granted one of the people representing the appellant was one of the people who might have had something to do with the imposition of those fines, and/or penalties, but all we get back is that other larger companies who have much more favorable issues in terms of what it costs to put a cab on the street because ne get reductions for multiple units, have been given a certain period of time in which to come into compliance and have been fined $1,000 or something. and so people come here outraged at us because we're not willing to say ok, you can still drive a cab but no color scheme, no medallion, even though we've been shown nothing that indicates that other people have committed similar offenses, speaking only of the workman's comp, have been dealt with thusly. and i plead with anybody who got he here and testified that is a member of the taxi community to read the papers and see if you come away feeling as