most of us in thisoom, including myself, are descendants of immigrants or immigrants ourselves. one of my ancestors came across from europe's, one of the original settlers of the county. we want always to be a nation of immigrants. we want them to come to the front door, not the back door. we incentivize them to come to the back door when we make it difficult to come to the front door, and then we reward them for coming through the back door, which we do not want. we need to be vigilant about not giving entitlement benefits that are intended for american citizens to people who are not legally in this count. if you listed some of the reons why that can be circumvented. it is also true that because we grt automatic birthright citizenship to the children of illegal immigrants who are going here in the united states, that is another way illegal immigrants can end up receiving a entitlement benefits intended for citizens. i cannot emphasize enough the need for us to close this loophole with automatic birthright citizenship. i am not aware of any other developed nation that has the sa