the exploitation of land has also stayed on with their destiny and given us inthing grayty and our national integrity. mr. president because zimbabwe has thus been preoccupied with empowerment of its people economically, she has become a victim of the evil machinations of western countries, namely the united states of america, and the european union, who continue to apply unilateral and illegal sanctions as a foreign pollty tool to achieve short-term political objectives, particularly regime change. mr. president, regime changes are a diabolical illegal policy in the domestic affairs of my country, and no good can come from undermining our economy or depriving our citizens of the necessities of life. why i ask, should zimbabweans continue to suffer under american and european union, unjustified and unwanted sanctions. these sanctions violate the fundamental principles of the united nations charter, and should be condemned by the international community. we once again call for their immediate and unconditional removal. we are a peaceful and a peace-loving nation, ready to engage in construct