also joining us is eliza krigman of politico. >> host: so you mentioned getting to 500 megahertz, the president's goal for repurposing spectrum for mobile broadband. we're not going to get through that the auctions, another way is through freeing up government spectrum, but it's been very hard to do that particularly with the 1755, blair brand says we should focus on sharing spectrum and other ways to free up that goal. how should we accomplish that? >> guest: yes. i think we have to get a real good fix on what it's being used for, and some of those uses are pretty heavy uses, and you have to have some times of lying foul and to be able to be used in emergency situations. but we all know how government works, and our government bureaucracy works, and we love our national security apparatus, but they're not shy this holding on to the resources that they need or asking or for resources. and there's no question in my mind, but i'm sure there is, there are sizable swaths of spectrum that could be freed up by that. it really takes some intestinal fortitude to make that happen and to make t