peers and the general public but they failed to see things that would now seem obvious to us looking back in hindsight to study this because it's what happened and second it's probably happening to all of us right now. there's something that we were not able to see in some ways, a cultural blind spot that we can't see, even those trying to invent new things are even more horrible to this because we are living in this kind of new possibility. an example of this is the chapter on sound and how many important breakthroughs came out of the pursuit of either have sharing more ample find the sound of the human voice and it's just done all this amazing technology that has come out of the pursuit. one of them is the story of a french inventor who had a great french name [inaudible] and he invented a device that captured the recorded audio and sound waves in the middle of the 1850s and he actually patented this device until you are probably thinking well, i'm pretty sure that he invented the phonograph about 20 years later. but no, this guy was a 20 year timeframe ahead of edison recording audio and it was ama