drugs, even some of them, is not an option up for consideration. over three months in 2011, the state department, the us embassy in mexico city, the us office of national drug control policy the dea and the office of the united states trade representative all declined to be interviewed for this report. over those same three months, some 600 people were reported murdered in juarez. >> you're seeing is the drug violence, that's true, but underneath it you're seeing the disintegration of a nation, the economic disintegration, you're seeing people robbing each other, kidnapping each other, doing everything it takes to survive including killing each other. but we can't face that, meaning the us government, we can't say there's an economic basis to this because that would mean our policies are a myth, our policy of free trade is a disaster. that would mean our refusal to recognize why people are coming north is a disaster. that would mean our war on drugs is a disaster. that would mean we would stop lying. this is like a machine now, of death. and i don't see anything that will stop it in the short run. >> hello and welcome, i'm phil torres, talking about innovations that can s