us work. here is our message -- obamacare is really romneycare, adopted on the model of massachusetts. it will open up an exchange that allows for competition and allow for us to take what is the very best of government programs, what is the very best in private sector, and what is the very best from entrepreneurialism and innovation in our academic sector to drive down the cost, provide greater access, focus on wellness and individual responsibility and, we have got something that if we were together, becomes the greatest system in the world. in our reach. it is all right before us. it takes a collection of the best thinking and the best ideas from not only both parties, but from all sectors of our economy and our country. that is where we need to focus on. but when you are staring at $750 billion annually, that clearly is the place where you are going to look to cut instead of on the backs of beneficiaries who have paid into an insurance program. >> you talked about how optimistic you are heading out of the meeting, but i have not personally heard any new information that may be optim