lukas scott: lukas cheesy leap day recipe for us stay reci for us stay with us recipe for us staywith us lukas: special around once i'm talking about leap day. and to celebebte... howard has a very cheesy recipe... that you won't want to wait another four years for! today's february 29th, which means we're in a leap year. and for those of you celebrating a a birthday today, happy y rthday, you're in good company with notables like the late dina shore and actor antonio sabato jr., as well as out 4 million other folks who only get to celebrate their actual birthday once every four years. rather than showing you how to make a 4- layer cake t t celebrate this day, we decided to whip up a batch of our doubly-good cheese pancakes which are special enough for any birthday breakfast . or dinner. to make them, we start by beating some cream cheese and coage cheese together until they're well combined. now to that, we add a good amount of eggs. once they're combined, we mix in some bread crumbs, melted butter, a bit of salt and a little sugar. after this sits for about 10 minutes (so the bread