three and a half years years of those shows you price price drop dries lighted by those those as did us uswnt i chargers. million others because armor larger data and and low low outline one truck driver. job talks womem he'll talk e those arms are filled with is stopped offering remark rather rather than win. listen. the. when when you look at it as a natural today we have we have on the consequences. that is there was a past incidents as exercises which is which is now known we should we should look at as a social this is not not state. it's open about about affectation. but i thought i think we say we are both close ties. between our allies. comes down to the local services and josh rachel italy's of fronts. issue. there are there are. the president has also situation close of. business ties he's comes combined gregor corporate leaders who decides. last hobbes. from from the other element is that if if they figure they get foreign assets in the united states. yet some photos out one hundred friends of that act employee language six hundred dollars out of these people. it's less than a nigh