with the funding level that congress recommendedw in the water resources development act. this will permit us to deepen harbors including gulfport, charleston, mobile, texas, louisiana, anchorage, savannah, and harbors on the west coast. and i basic energy research is supported and is one of the most important things we can do to unleash our free enterprises. senator durbin and i have worked together on an amendment for the energy bill that increases the authorized funding levels of the office of science by about 7% per year. that would delve double the office of science a budget from a little over 5,000,000 today to more than 10,000,000,000 in ten years. ten years. that is the money basically that the united states government spends on energy research. the senate adopted our amendment which you demonstrate how much support there is. they propose to spend even more in energy research including the mission innovation program the pledge laws by the united states and other countries at the climate senate in paris.y the problem is, mr. president that president obama's budget request proposed budget request proposed 2,259,000,000 in new mandatory funding for the department in new m