is chairman of iac, former chairman of paramount pictures, fox broadcasting, usa broadca broadcasting and investor in ariel. you're very knowledgeable about the history of video, and you have spoken previously about how the disruptive change presented by online video may change the nature of paid television. so we welcome your testimony, sir. >> thank you. i'm glad to be before you today. i've had a long, some say too long career in entertainment and media. i've been chairman of three major studios, broadcast stations, broadcast network, cable channels, and now internet companies with more than 50 brands, so i've been both a practitioner and a student in the evolution of media over the last 45 years. with ubiquitous broadband internet access, an unlimited pipe of options will increasingly be available for all audiences. and together with the advances in consumer devices like the ipad, it will allow consumers to access the content they want directly from producers without middlemen, without toll takers, wherever and however they want. this is the great future of consumer choice and com