domestic violence implies of usabuse, verbal abuse, a lot of other things, and she checked with me on those things. just an isolated incident. i helped to make the bruce because i pulled away, because him touching me is not acceptable. >> it sounds to me like you did not include that information about pulling your arm away when you were for selling your neighbor and friend about the incident, nor when you told cabinet -- when you told kelley williams, your upstairs neighbor. you were telling a lot of people about something that sounded very troubling and perhaps criminal. did you not understand that? that there was the potential for this information to get out of your hands and you relayed to the police? >> i never thought. i was so naive. >> you did participate in that video. >> when she told me, you need evidence to protect yourself, because ross just got elected share of -- sheriff. if he does not want to give you any money, how are you going to call lawyers? this is an old boys' network. >> i understand your feedear. would you say that you exaggerated the extent of this incident w