all, her usband bob anddtheer four year old son nathan haveebeen living in a hotel ince november. ssows the damaggethat hitther hhme and neighborhood. the halls are among more than 60000 families still waiting for insurrnce yorkks ggvernor blamed unnecessary red-tape nddaccused banks of &pfaiiing to release more than 200 million ollars worthhof innurance. thh problem is some lenders rrquire proof the repair hassbeen made, before they will reimmurse for the cost of that repair. there's a & lot of older ppople here that, any monee..and they're bbing told hata youuknow, do 30 percent of hh work and then &pthe oney. do 50 percent of the work, yyu'll get 50 percent of the moneethey reason they do that i ttink is thht hey are scareddyou will get check and leavee&and leave them with a propprty 3&pbuu e have invvsted a lot of money in the house and this ii our home...baaks contacted by cnn including ells fargoo jp &pdistributed more than 75% of insurance money. tte hall's portgage lender, who they 33respoodd you know we came here to live the ameeican dream and now we are living