usf general hospital. the marin food bank and from chairing our food security task force and i would like to introduce dr. paula jones. >> thank you supervisor mar. thank you supervisor mar for sponsoring this hearing and for others sponsoring this hearing. i'm going to just bring up the powerpoint hopefully. >> maybe we can get some help. >> thank you derek. i would like to thank nick from supervisor mar's office for all of his help in planning for this presentation. thank you very much. i appreciate this derek. so today as supervisor mar said we're here as part two of the hearing on food security and improving food security in san francisco and ending hunger and today i'm going to first of all summarize quickly some of the key concepts from the last hearing that we overviewed with you and then move quickly into the high priority solutions going over first of all -- gina will discuss how to maximize enrollment in calfresh. linda from aging and adult services will talk about how to improve food security fo