encourage the fcc to move forward with the usf reform efforts, modernizing the usf for broadband, particularly the lifeline program provide a path for universal broadband adoption in this country. and with that i yield back the balance of my time. >> all the time is been consumed and we will now go to our witnesses. again, thank you very much for being here today and the public service work you are all undertaking. mr. wheeler, as the chairman of the fcc, we lead off with you. hold the microphone close, and you are good to go. >> thank you very much, chairman walden, ranking member eshoo and members of the subcommittee, i appreciate this opportunity to testify before you today concerning the oversight of the federal communications commission. all of us are honored to be working with the quality men and women. today is my 39th day on the job, and i've enjoyed the informal discussion i have been able to have with many of you in the interim, and look forward to today having the even more complete discussions and working with you afterwards. as i think everybody has indicated, we are in a very exciting time, in the mi