there's a charter of the usfd. violence prevention chart. the most important part for me is the school wide behavior program. what's been found to be the best way to prevent violence is have a school wide program. it has to be embedded in your curriculum. the different ways you create different rules in class and how do deal with that. there's an entire school investment that has to be involved in this. there are tribes chants. is one method. but you notice. it's some schools. 3 or 4. maybe they had it for a year. it's not a consistent thing across the school district. it's frustrating. the elementary schools have some sort of program, which is an entire positive school climate that includes curriculum. what i would suggest or advocate for. for everyone invested in these school programs to be adopted more widely. if we are concerned about preventing it. we need to change the way we teach class. it's not as simple as excelling the student, you pick up the phone, you call the police. that's another minority system out of the school system and