i felt from somewhere -- it's not like a voice i heard, but i felt this feeling like ushgd be a nun. i was like who said that, you know? over the next couple of days it was really clear that god was inviting me to something. >> she made her first vows to religious life over the summer. she's one of six women in the last couple of years to join in cincinnati. that's six more than than that group has had in the last decade. though she doesn't wear a traditional habit, she has taken a vow of celibacy, obedience and poverty. things that reinforce her commitment to god and her live lived in community with others. part of her poverty vow, is sharing her possessions with her roommates, two of whom are more than twice her age. what's it like living in a house together four weeks in? >> it's disgusting. >> what have you discovered so far? >> well, i've discovered people's interests, people a's idios. >> there's something in their 50 and their 20s and 60s and 70s. who would think that this would be a group of roommates? who would think this would be a group of roommates? what do you say to tha