>>>>ushuaia is called the gate tohe antaric..ego every year pose a further threat to the largely untouched ecosystem. in 200005, andrea rerey founda group brbringing togetether citizezens' initiatitives and l tour o operators. what they y want to see e is br management o of the tourisim sector, says the group's coordinator, sabrina kizman. >> ththe has been a rise in touris- - especially i in the number of boats with t tourist trips out to t the sea or the canal. plus there's the improper behavior. there are boats going too close to the islands, and using loudspeakers in the vicinity of the animals. [loudspeaker] >> tourism at one wh nature, tourism that's in harmony is always welelcome. itit's one of ththe human acvities t that can helplp the most to conserveve the enenronment, above all so that the e polations, t cocommunities anand the ecosym remamain as istitine a ssible...... >>>> for the pepenguins that d brbring some welelcome reliefn the ststruggle for survival hee in what is called the e end of the world. ♪ t tt's all fr