his throne is occupied by a younger, but very brave and ambitious prince usiaslav, who is called hisalik, htostsi - charadzey. chamu vyalik - geta understood, wise kiraunik, courageous vayar, bright palites, and what are the magic farmers? pra іkh pіsaў yashche aўtar words pra khod igaraў. prince usyasla to the people of kirava, garads of paradise, himself at the beginning of the run, from kiev to tmutara ran to hell, and from kali to polack to the south . st. saphia rings, and she hears the ringing in kiev. that side the prince could peraўtvarytstsa ў vaўka, in a night dabchy to the ends of the world, near the cities of the city call tma cockroach, geta tsyaperashna taman, і ўжо и сві panku, ў ў ў kiev, y chuts adtul are called from their native polack. i have a zaizdrosnuyu radar layer. ujavits only, prince of the fifth pakalenni, son of brachyslav, unuk of izyaslav, great-grandson of ragneda. ena is a great-grandmother. they often gave it to themselves. he took the princely throne, when it was just 16. this cyaper is not magical in itself, if the pathletak becomes a kiraunikom dzy