usiig themm.. to collect beauty shots .../ only once ...achieved..... up to ...fifty miles per hour.../.áástilláá it... takes a lot of practice.. to master the aircraff. "eric is probably in the top one hundred flyers in the who is a cameraman, but they 3 don't know how to fly something like his, and people who can fly this, don't know hoo to get shots. it's two discipllnes and it is veer, very difficult to find bbth."if... you want to h." use a drone... as a hobby.../ you won'' need... a license to do that...////áátheáá f-a-a ppomises... reeaxed guiddliies... by... the end... of the year...//.áábutáá.../ you... will need... about ten thousand dollars... to own one. 3 3 3 3 will we ee a repeat of thee berby thhi saturday at pimlico? petails, oming up on sports l - unlimited &p that's all for the late barnd.n, i'm eff barnd. and i'm jennifer gilbert. preakness is just days away and ruce unningham has the latest from imlicc, sports unnimited sttrts right noo. the kentucky derby two weeks bodemeister lost his lead in the final sttetch and lost to unheral