created usingn is cad, it's then fed into a 3d printing machine. then it starts printing, using different materials and lays until the --ir, layer upon layer until the final product is built. can use different metals. you can use plastic, even concrete. an added advantage. it saves time, is more efficient. manufacturing and the -- here you keep on adding.'s less waste as >> and companies often have to prototypes and that's often costly. some are turning to virtual reality. >> yes. virtual reality is playing a big role, from the design stage visualize an design, involve the customers. you can customize it in a better way. the first part. the second part is, in the production, you can create an in theproduction line virtual world. you can have plans for where you or robots want to place the robots, on the production line, or where you place the people, so on and so forth. also the same for the factory design, to understand how the work in virtual reality. you can test it, analyze it. betteru can have a product. >> it also helps save money. we