look regionally for other people collecting that data but for legislators here in san francisco, for usre ly kn what is a snapshot of really what is the status of women i san francisco, how are they faring? are they accessihigher education? are there opportunities of ancement in the chte industry? are they hiring in the tech industry? are they at an economic disadvantage because they're women? and how big is that disadvantage? and what can we do as legislators actually to help women in what to access greater employment opportunities, and also to actually to live more viable, healthy lives in san francisco. and i think that as a legislator when i look pat what i at what d i rely on the commission of the status of women to tell us what is the status of women. and from this report and from these other eports i don't actually see that. and i think that this is something that in this upcoming year that i'd love to see is really anin-depth ept beca thenwe can actually target strategies if we see the deficit, if we see the gap. but when you don't actually explicitly tell us what the gaps are in san