proconsul merrok and you were the one responsible for the transporter accident that killed sub-commander ustard. you're getting warmer, but how do i look? ( groans ) ( door opens ) may i come in? you'll pardon me if i don't get up. poor odo... look what's become of you. to your outward appearance. such concerns are more fitting for solids. i don't mean to interrupt but is there anything you can do for him? odo... give me your hand. don't be afraid. amazing. feeling better? yes, though i still have to concentrate to hold my form. your molecular structure is still fluctuating but it's nowhere near as unstable as it was. leave now. i wish to speak to odo in private. odo is my... patient. it's all right, doctor. then i'll be right outside. it can wait, garak. of course. what we have to say is not for your ears. i'm not exactly thrilled with the circumstances myself. i had hoped that you'd return to us on your own. after all, that bajoran woman you were so fond of seems to have taken an interest in someone else. you know about major kira and first minister shakaar. despite your rejection of us we st