so there is a report that says, let's take ustr, commerce, the export controls, a few other agencies, put them under one cabinet officer who has a real clout, the economic development director of the u.s., the way that most are for their states, and let the person be at the table. what is the reaction of the two ranking members of the senate finance committee? we will oppose that until we die, because it would mean that my committee loses jurisdiction over the ustr. that is why this will not get done. how do we get this system out of these petty, narrow things to get to the big issue? as you all say, none of this stuff is all that complicated. we could do this. how do we do this? >> part of the issue is we all left some of these guys. [laughter] [applause] >> i'm sorry, are you a democrat? >> i am a centrist. i am perhaps the only living rockefeller republican. >> i have a salton star republican from massachusetts, the same thing. >> we do not have a party, so i had to join one of the others. this is getting to be a real problem. there are actually hard issues. if we cannot do the eas