is growing stronger to a much lesser generation of somalis more nauseous employment so let's check usua some of the. hundred small feeds in the night clubs. where i come from dr jordan mintz an import fountain soft transmitting a new stand for mission and when i was young my country was drawing many conflicts the war throbbing of people most people would god that i won't deceive us. it was my soul to two in one off the lot of just god you'll say it's so thought everyone in the calm cool to listen to those updates say. nothing has been from incident my own copy out into a month or more of them so long even thought i caught us i was a twit and for me all. my choices in this cognition because given the way i told transmitted to citrus. when it was no question how much and i was odds did up. hello and welcome to drive it the d w motor magazine coming up mountain climbing speak with an electric car. a world record attempt in a very low movil. and the latest version of the audi t.t.'s.