usuallyles: hoover cultivated a close relationship with presidents, starting with franklin roosevelt, but it depended on the president. roosevelt and hoover were very close. roosevelt and truman were not close whatsoever. eisenhower comes in. jfk comes in. hoover is not close with jfk for a good reason. hoover's nominal boss would be jfk's brother. johnson comes in, very close with johnson. nixon comes in, they have a strained relationship but still very close. it depends on the president. i do not like truman in many ways. undermined truman in many ways. , hisen hoover died longtime secretary destroyed a lot of his records. dr. charles: there was the famous secret files of hoover, these were his office files, and this is one of the clever ways he got around fbi files being subject to court discovery motions, a lawyer would ask through a judge for the fbi to release somebody's fbi files. say, the official files at the fbi contain nothing about this person. that's because that document was not in the official files, it was in his office files, and that is what was destroyed. one of the