. >> (speaking in foreign language) >> the secretary treasurer of the usw, he's working toward getting contracts between the workers and the employers. he said only one percent of the workers have a contract with the uaw. >> it's close to 20,000 workers. how many of those workers have i contacted? i can say 3,000 or 4,000. >> workers go home at the end of the day, it's not much, if anything, at all. >> one room, they live four or five families, just in one apartment, just in this 21st century, we find workers living under the trees. >> the usw is working for workers rights, in accordance with the benefits act. >> ag job would allow agricultural workers to have legal residence and to be able to unionize and free to stand up for themselves, and we've not -- we had a hearing two weeks ago in the republicans said they would never pass the bill. >> mike honda, a congressman, and others called for immigration reform here in san jose. >> in that room had 15, 20 people it in, the white house would be going -- but everyone we are going, there's good energy and good amounts of people. >> a long