like the day-to-day activities rent, utilityiesutilities. so my conversations with them yesterday, the additional funds are going to infrastructure support. support. support. >>broadly, it would be easier for me to look through these things especially when they're fairly small dollar amounts if there were some consistency in the way they're presented so there were specific numbers so it's quick and easy to address. >>thank you noted. appreciate it. >>any other questions or comments from the commission. comments or questions from the public? hearing none call the question. all in favor. any opposed? thank you, motion carryiescarries. now we will be taking item e, which is in the correct order, which is requesting is again, do i have a motion to discuss? >>so moved. >>seconded. thank you. you're on again. >>good morning commissioners. we seek your approval for catholic charities located in the district of san francisco. this proposal is for funding augment services and increase staffing. other proposed changes, catholic charity ises looking to