nonfighting that resulted in a quarter million dead in the balkans, while people talked about utopia passivists. you want to be a historian, i would say it's more dangerous to be in france in august than it is in the triangle, because one of the results of a whole society that believes it's the state's responsibility either to provide air conditioning or watch out for elderly people while you are at the beach was mass death of the type we never experienced in fresno when it gets up to 110, because we all know where our grandparent are and rush over there and the state tries to have alerts and there's fans and air kingston at home depot. we don't do that. yet we are considered a less moral people. so it's much more dangerous, i think, in august in france or in the balkans than the triangle. one more question. >> fascinating historian, and i find arguments about sherman really, really interesting, compelling. but i wonder, i mean, listening to you talk about 9-11, i wonder if you are so close to thinking about war so much that you alternatives you see is someone who is going overboard like grant