and even recently, some journalists have been targeted in states like uttar pradesh, have been physicallye young journalist, prominent female journalist in india today, who does quite a lot of work for western publications and media organisations, rana ayyub, she's currently facing charges of provoking riot and inciting religious enmity. and that's based on something that she actually put on her twitter feed. she says this. she says, "i cannot be a journalist. "we have become enemies of the state. "i now have to keep a low profile, hide, "switch off my phone, all in an attempt to "protect myself against a vindictive regime." now, she is clearly extremely upset about her treatment. but i just wonder whether you believe that that is a case that is representative of something much larger? she's an... i know her, she's an extremely courageous journalist, upstanding journalist who does not compromise her independence, her right to investigate and to express her opinions and within the framework of the law, if it's reasonably construed and reasonably implemented. but i wouldn't say it's complet