utyonochkina, listen, this is interesting. president lincoln was elected in 1860 president kennedy in 1960 100 years difference both died on friday both died in the presence of their wives lincoln's successor after his death became johnson kennedy's successor also johnson the first johnson was born in 1808, the second in 1908 the difference is 100 years killer lincoln was born in 1839. and the killer cand 1939 difference is again 100 years. here is fate. did, did all these coincidences happen? by chance? of course not. everything was predetermined from above. ha ha ha ha ha the muscles of the face are completely relaxed, the jaw sags freely. the face takes on the expression of the mask of an imbecile - there is such a special term breathing, even and deep. eyes are closed relax will you take off them with five from the nose after the session? breathing even and deep your hearts beat in the rhythm of the universe. your lungs breathe in the rhythm of the universe. you came here to get away from a world where some lie and others