. -3 pplice say the shooter then shot himself.we will uudate you with the latest...en made. made.tom rodgees has more onn tte suspecttd killer and how alonggwith your other top storres. alerted by tte fire department - of a uspicious death... - inside a home n hiih gate drrve at ulgrave avenue. avenuu.on friday... officcrss found 32-year old jennifer conyers inssde the charred homm... tiid p wiih plectrical coods and tappe. pnvestigators say she was beaten ann dragged into the basement... and muudered byy & montt carter.he's also accused f ssealing her car ann a-t-m card and sstting the ouse on - fire.on saturddy... pplice say ttey potted carter in westt paltimore ddiving ccnyer's whiteemmstang.when they caught up witthhim... he was (gugliilli) "he aamitted o parryiig withha friind and abusing drugs... taking ms. & conyerr' pprsonal efffcts." through an online datinn website months ago.conners was pn h-i-v utreach workerrwith - the citt's health deeartmeett she was 322yyars-old.according to online coort records... carter has priors... including burglary, ddug and the