aafederal law in place since 1996 defines marriage for federal purposes as a uuion only between a man. that creates finannial challenges for ame-sex couples who work for the who wwold be eligible for federal benefits. athena jones profiles a marylandd in the political debate over marriage.marriage. --reporter pkg-assfolloos -- "we thought it was awesome." kierrr johnson and parry arvette wereethrilled when the for same sex marriagee"i was checkkng twitter and facebook, and it was like a virtual parry across the social networking ssene."the couple was leeally married in washingtoon d.c., where parry works as a city police officer. they say the presideet's remarks were a step forward for equaaity , but whaa ttey really want is federal recognition of their marriage, which would put hem on the heterosexual couples.under &pexisting laws, ssme sexxcoupl meaning they miss out on deductions and they don't have want equality. that's ii, we - want the same riggts as everybody elle. i mean, we pay into sociallsecurity, we pay taxes, but she can't have it if somethingghappen to me. pou know? it's