uv i.t. stand by. -- you do need i.t. stand by. we got information on what some of the calls were for, fixing a blackberry -- of the things that did not need to happen during off-hours. president chiu: how does that work? >> of lot of that is done remotely. [inaudible] >> different departments handled it differently. there are desk staff on an ardent of schedule and take the calls. -- on an alternative schedule and take the calls. stand by is provided to anyone answering questions at that time including help desk employees and senior engineers. they are able to fix many of these incrementally. the standby pay is for non-work hours. 168 hours a week, a 40-hour employee would get 128 hours of standby. president chiu: wow. thank you. >> there were engineers making more than $30,000 a year just in standby pay. >> oh, i'll go back. >> one of the of the things is the type of classification departments that tried and manage the stand by because of budget reductions. we found that it was assigned in cases where it really wasn't needed. we