pat says these lamps put out infrared heat that is the same type put out by the sun,ut without the harmful uvrays. he says it helps strengthen the horse's immune system. many of the horses stay at the rehabilitation center for about 30o 60 days, depeg on what a vet recommends. the $1,500 a month fee is often covered by insurance. >> we hate to sehorses in pain, we hate to see them not being able to be in competition, so this is just a great outlet for those horses. >> from ice-cold spas to infrared lamps, special walkers and more, pat believes that working horses deserve cutting edge treatments when they become fatigued, sore, or sick. and just like shorty, many get just that at this unique rehabilitation center. in jameswn, charlotte fadipe for "california country" tv. >> and gd ws, the equine center actually has expanded, and it's now in oakdale. and it has a mobile spa, too, for horses. don't u wish they had that for us? that'd be nice, huh? ha. coming up next, are you >> welcome back to "california country." >> at the kitchen in sacramento, chefs are busy preparing tasty dishes using a ve