i am from the village of uvarovka during my participation in the project. i have lost 11 kg.e that and i really like myself. all these three months next to you, next to all our losing weight, there were two wonderful people. this the curators of the project dropped the excess daria valentinova and artyom brazgovsky, as always in our studio. and when we are outside the studio, then twice a week daria and artyom in their telegram channels work with our losing weight, helping them lose weight, and i want to be the first to invite dasha to us. this slender beauty, mother of three children, will you give? how old are children 11 9 and 5. so a nutritionist is a specialist in the psychology of eating behavior and in psychology and nutrition. dasha was the first thing our heroes had to learn and this was published in our project with an extra bar on the program website. health. you can print for yourself to learn how to assess your hunger. what does it mean when there is, and when there is, and here hunger and satiety, hunger and satiety. this is our natural mechanism, our built-in c