v. treme. z.m. were. were a model of his most famous one of his most famous designs which was the iran your housing and that was that's very interesting so people there can like just adjust the houses to their own needs whether they have more children whether they get more money you know whatever the needs might be so very adaptable stuff you know on that note you know architecture for the people is the name of this exhibition just quickly tell us a little bit more about it well it's the veteran museum like i said in vile brine in southern germany it focuses on impacts in terms of indian design in his work but also looks at the social context behind his work his very humanist philosophy and his indian roots combined with his indian education as well as his western european education so very much in tune also with about whole philosophy that was informing the work of his mentors like to record. and i very much like that idea of space being a living thing and that. is very play for the general architecture