several decades this show was about selling things in boxes of audio and video equipment camcorders v.c.r.'s etc but appliances evolved the home became more connected but the wireless contact tiffany that we now live with that is now so second nature has changed the game as the broadband pipe got faster that thing in your pocket that we used to call a phone has transformed life example hooper and lift made possible by four g. wireless speed and with eighty and t. and verizon racing to build out five g. networks much of what we see here this week is a peek at the next level of automation and convenience that will quickly become second nature and prominent here this year companies you don't naturally think of as techie procter and gamble and l'oreal are here tech is now that pervasive in our lives so for that reason what used to be called the consumer electronics association had to change its name a couple of years ago to the consumer tech. knology association and they read to us the media not to call this the consumer electronic show they want us to call it c.e.o.'s lots a lot yeah i know