va nil willing or chocolate a. let's ask. >> another group under the translator app.. i think so far, functions, and what we did, it proves to be very, very well design. the other app presented was the tracker app. >> we were trying to help kids with their homework and passing quiz because not letting people pay attention in class or sometimes they try to for get they have something to do. the problem is social media. they are distracted by social media. yeah. another group presented the essay builder app and you can get help writing essay with input to others. >> we hope to make it more organized to people who are doing essays. this app enables to you communicate with a child who may be hearing impaired. >> well, i feel like both of those who are hearing impaired and both of those who cannot or who are not hearing impaired. feel both want to learn the sign language. then it was time for jumps to make decision sim dime the front of the room and presenned what the rules were and basically they had dollars not real cash. but know, the group that had the most become the