its moment berz discuss aid va rye team of topics including the role of speculators in the market. the ftc and new york state attorney general's office as well as ways to up prove information sharing between working group members, and partners. and where do we go from here? i can also report that one of the working group's moment beem conducting an investigation with assistance from working group members into whether gas prices have been affected by any antitrust violation or market manipulation by refineries or oil producers or transporters, marketers, fizzle caphysical, f traders. working group members ready off to act if the fcc learns anything that implicates the laws they enforce. the task force at the forefront of the administration efforts to seek justice for those devastated by the recent financial crisis. since 2009 we have helped to bring charges to secure convictions and obtain prison sentences up to 60 years in a variety of cases charging securities fraud, bank fraud and investment fraud. criminal enforcement tools, where possible, and civil penalties and sanctions wher