ooh" and also, a parent whose daughter was shot and injured in the mass shooting in va tech in 1997 inhich 32 people were murdered. and amy walter who is senior editor of the "cook report." thank you all for being here. amy, i want to thastart with yo because the biggest part of being a inside is knowing what questions you should ask, so as gun control, what should we be asking? >> well, as washington insider with retalk about the policy and the prescriptions and the actual policy that a lot of folks would like to see happen or prevent from happening on guns. at the same time what's missing in this discussion is the cultural issues here which i think that we forget about in washington that when we talk about gun ownership here and in nerdland, we talk about specific policies, but think that for a lot of people, what gun ownership is not about how many bullets you can buy or what kinds of guns you can own, but it is about a way of life, and there are a whole bunch of people in the country who hear the debate in washington, and say, but, wait a minute, i own -- and i'm not that person. i