john: today in america some people get sick because other people fear vac sÉances.clearly it's often wealthy liberals who don't vaccinate their kids, here's the map that shows the biggest measle outbreaks in california, are often areas like hollywood and it was hollywood stars who winston lots of people that there are bad people. >> like the freaking mercury the antifreeze need to be removed immediately. >> how stupid do you think we are? >> this is sad. a lot of this dates to a 1998 study that was eventually withdrawn. everyone who has studied this subsequent to this said it was wrong, linking back to autism, and because of that we see a lot of bad policy . john: i'm struck that it's this belief by antidote, i vaccinated by which i had and then the awe autism showed up. >> i just had a daughter recently, four months old now and you have to get the vaccine for hepatitis. and it's, like, i don't think she's being a drug user having unprotected sex. so i understand people's question about it it's just regrettable when it's based on junk science which it is too often .