vacco does require containment. >> you have particular inspectors and respond to this kind of complaint? >> we would have somebody out on the same day. it is usually educational. if you have to do this properly. if it is really bad, we will try to give them a warning. i think the contractors have to go through certification now. it is left to the contractors to do it properly. it is something that would be in the common area of the building. and also may be on the door of the unit. dodge and people who know this? -- >> and people of this? >> people get freaked out by this. we get a lot of calls about it. there are different requirements for the interior and an exterior of a building. if you are working in the bathroom, contain the dust of that area. more questions? president goh: any public comment on this item? lou will move into rebuttal. you have three minutes of rebuttal. >> i failed to mention the eye and a licensed contractor and there are very strict regulations when dealing with lead based paint in any way. there has been a tent there that has been living there for 13 years. i d