the prague charter, signed by champions of liberty vaclav havel, natan sharansky, jose maria aznar, called for the isolation and ostracism of regimes that suppress peaceful opponents by threats or violence. little did we know that, a decade later, a crisis of confidence would be developing within the core democracies, making the message of freedom more inhibited and wavering. little did we know that repressive governments would be undertaking a major effort to encourage division in western societies and to undermine the legitimacy of elections. repressive rivals, along with skeptics here at home, misunderstand something important. it is the great advantage of free societies that we creatively adapt to challenges, without the direction of some central authority. self-correction is the secret strength of freedom. we are a nation with a history of resilience and a genius for renewal. right now, one of our worst national problems is a deficit of confidence. but the cause of freedom justifies all our faith and effort. it still inspires men and women in the darkest corners of the world, and it w