the first illustrator is considered to be the artist vaclav holler, who lived and worked in london from 1000 640. the active development of fashion illustration finally began in the 16th and early 20th centuries, a period when magazines gained universal popularity and fashionistas the whole world was eagerly awaiting the release of new releases. this in turn contributed to the emergence of famous illustrators who became the link between fashion and people. illustration, fashion illustration, fashion illustration, it is inseparable from the history of fashion itself or from history itself, but these are these three directions, they sometimes go in parallel, sometimes intersect at certain points, for example, the history of fashion illustration is very depends a lot on some technical inventions, that is, it’s not easy drawing, yes, it wasn’t just some kind of printing, it had to be invented... lithograph, woodcut, wood engraving, yes, metal engraving, not only with history, not only with technology, but also connected with some breakthroughs in fashion, fashion illustration at first was j