vad el in terms of brannan street. what i would like to add here is while i'm not sure each of the comments he made are applicable. i believe this particular legislation has it's currently requires more technical detail that is to make sure that sign is an integral part of buildings which is prior to any sign ordinance considered are indeed an exception and there are quite a few of those buildings however they might not be changing owner use so quickly. the others are extremely important and the one thing the question that has not been answered to me is the following: copy and topography. copy is letters, topography which is specific to the sign in which the building was created. particular in prior to 1970 before computers were not able to so many type faces, there was a certain type of topography which was designed that was very clear when you hear signs he talked about. i'm not saying we need to replicate exactly the time period in which the copy we are replacing needs to repeat. but i do think as a correlation betw