as has russian tour guide vadim.e'll keep showing tourists the breathtaking natural beauty of spitzbergen while the conflict over the arctic and its resources goes on. damien: beautiful. greenpeace has warned that both russia and norway are trying to turn the arctic into the next saudi arabia dotted with oil wells. who do you think the arctic belongs to? russia, canada or denmark, which have all laid claims to part of it? or should we just leave it to the penguins and the polar bears? let me know what you think about that or any of today's stories. of course when you mention russia these days, it's hard not to think about the conflict in ukraine. when it broke out last year, many in britain and the us started talking as if there was a natural divide between a pro-moscow russian-speaking east, and a pro-european ukrainian-speaking west. in fact traditionally the two communities are closely intertwined. that's one reason why the conflict which is tearing the country apart is so painful. but the fighting rages on and mo