grace could come at the same time, she had a veil designed, the grace coolidge avail in navy blue. -- vaeilnavy blue. you could just like your first lady or presidential life, i guess. a big fuss is made about this. but she is going to cover her arms, usually. again, mindful of her age. she is great to just appropriately. she does get a little bit of criticism from the washington society pages about being a tad on the funky side. but by and large, women across america think she is just just kind. >> it was liked, it was very possible -- popular. ladies, i kind of went to combine these next peers. i want to make sure we get in every question. you can take this anywhere you want to go. but this has to do with the press, the relationship with the press, the public and private persona of each, and how each coped that way, which kind of goes into their partnerships somewhat with their husbands on how they supported them and policies with how did world politics -- or how did world events shape what happened? i would like to start with you because we were talking about this. >> yeah. >> i mean, lo