if y had a eriewhere inn area le thi in the ntral vaey, where yohave lot of sma communits that a sprea out over large aa and yo cold put amall pla like ts, a pacge plantthere's a tentialthere fo co savin--it wod potentially be game chger. coh: there aeconomi of scale he. the moe systemthat youave, the lower e cost i you canhi out allhose comnities a esstially bng a virtu wer distrt. here ey are nnected a inteet and hereforeave thatenefit o beingart of aistrict,ven thou geograpcally th'r noconnecte snyr: i thi it soun ve promisingand, in ct, i thk if sma commuties are gon have too to treaent, it's gonnhave be a del likehat. kada: rightow, we wt toake surwe havenough wat for theeople toive herand for to grow and ght no we e at capity becae our stem is oer, and need tomprove tt. [sorio speing spanh] narrar: accesto clean drinki water irural califoia is cplicatedbut inemote llages tt lie thin mocco's soutest mouain regn, the oosite is truehere, noradition soluons are ing embred and giving hope communies n need. [khada ghouatspeakin nativeanguage] jamila rgach: he the povert has bee stagger